Arquivo da tag: dsget

Consultar campos no AD (dsquery, dsget)

Para realizar consultas no AD você pode utilizar os comandos DSQUERY e DSGET:


dsquery user -limit 10000 | dsget user -display -title -dept > usuarios.txt

No comando acima você irá gerar um arquivo usuarios.txt com todas as informações de nome, título e departamento no seu AD. O -limit 10000 é a quantidade máxima de linhas.

Abaixo outras combinações para se utilizar com DSGET: – by Microsoft –

-dn Displays the distinguished names of the users.
-samid Displays the Security Account Manager (SAM) account names of the users.
-sid Displays the user security identifiers (SIDs).
-upn Displays the user principal names (UPNs) of the users.
-fn Displays the first names of the users.
-mi Displays the middle initials of the users.
-ln Displays the last names of the users.
-display Displays the display names of the users.
-empid Displays the employee IDs of the users.
-desc Displays the descriptions of the users.
-full Displays the full names of the users.
-office Displays the office locations of the users.
-tel Displays the telephone numbers of the users.
-email Displays the e-mail addresses of the users.
-hometel Displays the home telephone numbers of the users.
-pager Displays the pager numbers of the users.
-mobile Displays the mobile phone numbers of the users.
-fax Displays the fax numbers of the users.
-iptel Displays the user IP phone numbers.
-webpg Displays the user Web page URLs.
-title Displays the titles of the users.
-dept Displays the departments of the users.
-company Displays the company information of the users.
-mgr Displays the managers of the users.
-hmdir Displays the drive letter to which the home directory of the user is mapped to if the home directory path is a UNC path.
-hmdrv Displays the user’s home drive letter if home directory is a UNC path.
-profile Displays the user profile paths.
-loscr Displays the user logon script paths.
-mustchpwd Displays whether users must change their passwords at the time of next logon (yes) or not (no).
-canchpwd Displays whether users can change their password (yes) or not (no).
-pwdneverexpires Displays whether the user passwords never expires (yes) or not (no).
-disabled Displays whether user accounts are disabled for logon (yes) or not (no).
-acctexpires Displays the dates when user accounts expire. If the accounts never expire, this command returns never.
-reversiblepwd Displays whether the user passwords are allowed to be stored using reversible encryption (yes) or not (no).
<UserDN> (second variation) Required. Displays the distinguished name of the user whose group membership you want to view.
-memberof Displays the immediate list of groups of which the user is a member.
-expand Displays the recursively expanded list of groups of which the user is a member. This option takes the immediate group membership list of the user, and then recursively expands each group in this list to determine its group memberships as well to arrive at a complete closure set of the groups.